Thursday, February 26, 2009


"The picture says it all...... what a proud moment for all his fans...... the Mozart of Madras with his divine music has enthralled all.......

Yet another golden feather to the "already crowded" cap of this humble human being...!!!! Let this music go on forever........!!!!!!!"


Pic courtesy: Associated Press


Biju Mathews said...

To tell you the truth, this Slum Dog Millionaire number is never the best. He should have got the Oscars well before if he had been born anywhere outside India. His "Jai Ho" number sounds just like Michael Jackson's, "They don't really care about us"

Roshni said...

You are right Sujeeth!!!He won Oscar in our hearts long ago since "Roja" songs have been released. Now the world has recognised his talents. I think his humbleness made his songs more beautiful. Letz hold our hands and say "JAI HO"......

Praveen Gopinath said...

Wow, What a discovery !!

Kudos to Mr. Biju Mathew.

But unfortunately the fact remains that, he has not heard both the songs. That is what I've discovered from his discovery !!

What a comparison, my dear friend !! Did you, by any chance, mean to say the Oscar jury is a group of fools sitting there and the rest of the world; those who like his music and praise him, are idiots ?? What about Golden Globe jury and BAFTA ? What about our own national film awards jury who’ve gave him national awards so many times ?

Or, I suppose your intention was just to make the readers laugh.

He is the one who rules the Indian film music industry and all other names come only after him. Even none of his competitors would say he is a copy-cat. Then, how can a person like you who don't even care to listen to his songs, start criticizing or comparing him all of a sudden with other artists ? Perhaps "Jai Ho" cannot be the best of my hero, but, it has no, not even the slightest of similarity with "They don’t really care about us”; composed by MJ.

People who know you; I am one among them (unfortunately), will not even bother to give a second thought on this topic as we all know what your appetite is. Music is not your cup of tea, Biju. Please spare that.

AR Rahman is a living legend and a genius par excellence and on top of all a proud Indian who made the whole world listen to our Indian music. Only a stupid like you can post such a comment.

How can you come up with such a ridiculous and baseless comparison? Shame on you !

I humbly request you to keep your bloody mouth shut and don't dare to speak about AR Rahman. You are not qualified enough to speak about this topic and the man in question. It is out of your reach. Keep quiet, otherwise I'll be forced to send a butcher to take your head !!

Beware !!

Biju Mathews said...

@ Praveen: Truth hurts! This is the only thing which comes to my mind seeing your comment. I did not accuse Rahman of plagiarism. One needs to read between the lines. I said, "He should have got the Oscars well before if he had been born anywhere outside India."

Now regarding, the "Jai Ho" number, you need to know music to know the similarity between the number and MJ's number. The metronome is the same, the drums are the same, the beat is the same. It starts off slowly as usual and builds up the speed, exactly the same way. I'm not sure if you heard them both. Youtube and hear it again. The concept is to reach a speed, a tempo that the listener is comfortable with, but beyond which the technique falls apart. He had also set the metronome a couple of clicks higher and attempted to play the lick. He also used the PD7 Phat Hed Overdrive which accented the right harmonics to ensure the bass tone stands out . Nothing much there!!

His other songs were much better!!

Euphonical said...

I agree with Biju on one point... that Rahman should have got this long back......... but I totally disagree on his obscure and intriguing finding about the similarities between both the songs....!!!!

Mike said...

Just passing by.Btw, you website have great content!

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